Expats and Non Residents within Asia, notably Singapore and the Middle East are currently driving foreign investment in the UK property market at the moment.
Singapore has invested £5.8 billion in London alone and are catching up with buyers from the US and Hong Kong.
Buy To Let can be difficult for non-residents because they may not meet certain criteria or experience enough time living here before applying - but don't worry!
We've put together this guide to help you through what's needed when taking out your next investment mortgage as an international citizen.
The Following Topics Are Covered Below:
Do Expats And Non-Resident Have To Pay Higher Buy To Let Mortgage Rates
What Factors Impact The Eligibility For A UK BTL Expat Mortgage
Does It Matter How Much Landlord Experience I Have as an Expat/Non-Resident Applying for a BTL Mortgage?
Can Expats Get A Buy To Let Mortgages in the UK?
Whether you're a non-British national or UK citizen, it is important to know the requirements for buying property in England.
You will need to show proof deposit funds as well as proof that your income from your regular paychecks or if you are self-employed can cover the rental income in case there are any voids.
Can A Non-UK Resident Get A Buy To Let Mortgage?
The good news is that with the right paperwork and documents to verify your income or funds you can get a mortgage no matter where in the UK.
If it sounds like something for which there might be an opportunity (or need), our brokers will walk through what type of information may be necessary when applying – this includes everything from employment history to previous or current property ownership!
How Much Can A Non-UK Resident Borrow With A Buy To Let Mortgage?
For those who have the option of buying or renting, it all depends on your circumstances. If you're purchasing a house in England then that will largely depend upon how much money is available for deposit as well as other factors like income level and where the source of funds have come from.
Generally, the minimum deposit needed will need to be between 25% to 30% of the value of the mortgage. For example, if a property is worth £500,000. The minimum deposit needed will be circa £125,000.
Which Deposit Sources Are Accepted For Expat Buy to Let Mortgages?
Deposit sources generally accepted for Expat and Non-Resident Buy To Let Mortgages include:
UK or international savings - dependent on being held in an approved country
UK stocks, shares or capital investments, and some overseas investments.
UK or overseas property sales, again dependent on the country.
Equity held in an existing property offered as security if it is a case of refinancing.
In some cases, you will find lenders who will accept deposits gifted from friends or family. However, you will need an experienced lender to negotiate acceptance of this source of deposit.
Do I Need A UK Credit File?
If you have a strong credit history in the UK and a substantial down payment, you may have an advantage over other applicants who lack a UK credit history.
For ex-pats seeking a mortgage, underwriters will likely spend more time reviewing their applications. This is because lenders may not be familiar with foreign verification channels and will need to investigate further. Additionally, each country has its own unique systems, which may be unfamiliar to lenders.
Is There a Minimum Income Threshold For Expat/Non-Resident Buy to Let Mortgages?
Some mortgage lenders require a minimum independent income of around £25,000 - so if you have a low income, or cannot demonstrate that income, the number of lenders you can apply to drops.
Likewise, some UK lenders will only consider income paid into a domestic bank account.
However, a broker has access to mortgage providers who consider international income when reviewing your application.
Do Expats And Non-Resident Have To Pay Higher Buy To Let Mortgage Rates
A UK Buy-to-let mortgage is more expensive as lenders take on higher risks when lending money for these properties as they rely heavily on rental income to make up any gap between what's paid back through monthly payments versus how much was borrowed in the first place.
Even though there might be lenders out there prepared to give them credit just due to their location outside England/Wales', borrowers need to ensure that whatever institution does offer such services will charge fair rates and fees before going ahead.
Get in touch today to source the most competitive Buy-To-Let terms.
What Factors Impact The Eligibility For A UK BTL Expat Mortgage

Identity Checks
Identity checks will be more stringent for ex-pats borrowing. Some mortgage lenders want to know exactly who it is they're lending to, which can often prove challenging if you live outside of Britain.
In order to avoid delays in processing your application and making sure that all documentation has been submitted correctly and on time (including proof of income), some providers require applicants to meet or send a representative out to meet in person.
Accelerated Finance works closely with international law firms that can process your KYC checks and application swiftly if required.
Allowed Countries
Your home country can make or break your mortgage application.
If you don't live in one of the countries that lenders are happy to lend money to, then they're probably not going to give it any consideration at all - even though there might be exceptions if you have an official employment reference from a multinational company.
If there are instances where you run your own business or are a self-employed sole trader, then there may be instances where a lender will look at your application provided that the accounts are signed off by an established accountancy firm.
Non-Standard Construction Types
It is important to know the types of property that are accepted by different lenders before you apply.
Lenders don't usually accept non-standard, unique, or listed properties because they fear these types may be more risky and difficult to sell but there's hope as there are lenders out there who are happy to consider a wider range of property types.
Foreign Currency And Exchange Rates
As the recent changes to European regulations mean that individuals paid in a foreign currency are subject to closer scrutiny when mortgage applications are assessed, it is more important than ever before for those looking at moving abroad or purchasing property as an investment.
This applies not only because of money laundering risks but also due diligence on your part - some lenders may take up to 25% off exchange rates if they feel there's risk involved with accepting such payments (this has happened previously).
Read further on how to get a UK Mortgage with Foreign Income
There are many lenders who won’t offer mortgages to those over 75, but there is no upper limit for retirement age.
This means that if you can prove your financial stability and show them proof of monthly income from a rental property, there are cases where applicants can be approved.
The minimum deposit required for a UK buy-to-let mortgage generally is 25%.
However, if you want to get approved as an overseas resident and purchase property in the UK then it’s recommended that 30-45% of your investment goes towards putting up cash into the property to have the best chance of being approved.
The affordability of a Buy To Let tends to be determined based on rental income rather than individual earnings.
Many lenders require rent to exceed mortgage repayments by 125-145% as a stress test. However, some may take a limited amount earned from tenants into account if it's paid in foreign currency - provided they have an approved list for those currencies too!
Adverse Credit
Unfortunately, there is no one-size fits all solution when it comes to bad credit. Even though some lenders may be more willing than others in considering your past history or even just severe circumstances under the right conditions; don't lose hope!
We have an entire section which you can read further on dedicated specifically to people whose with adverse credit
Does It Matter How Much Landlord Experience I Have as an Expat/Non-Resident Applying for a BTL Mortgage?
It is possible to find mortgage lending from a specialist buy-to-let lender if you are a first-time landlord. Some niche providers use the rental income as a key driver behind their approval and so by working with Accelerated Finance, we can negotiate favorable deals on your behalf.
What Difference Will A Mortgage Broker Make to Finding an Expat/Non-Resident Buy-To-Let Loan?
Working with an independent broker is a huge difference! They can offer you products that might be perfect for your needs, depending on what they think will work best.
Plus brokers are experts in negotiating terms and rates - so even if there's no agreement at first (which often happens), it'll still end up being incredibly helpful because of their experience.
Our Foreign National Buy To Let Service
Ability to deal with the majority of nationalities/ residences
50+ Lender Access
Foreign nationals have access to high loan-to-value UK mortgages
Mortgages for onshore or offshore businesses and trusts that are buy-to-let
No need for a UK footprint
A comprehensive service is provided by Accelerated Finance, which also helps with the creation of a UK bank account.
This article is intended to provide a general understanding of the topic. The contents should not be treated as advice.
Accelerated Finance Limited only considers applications for commercial or investment properties.
Accelerated Finance Limited is not regulated by the financial conduct authority and only provides unregulated loans via our network of lenders. Your property is at risk if you fail to make payments on a Mortgage Contract.
Please note that Accelerated Finance Limited and its employees do not give financial advice or recommendations on any product.